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Japanese Man, 40, Finds Out His Girlfriend Is 25 Years Older Than Him On The Day Before Their Wedding

Japanese couple Yoshitaka, 40, and his wife Aki, 65, have been together for over 11 years now. 
Yoshitaka was 29, and Aki, 54, when they first met at an izakaya owned by Aki. The pair hit it off immediately, realising they had a lot in common. Both Yoshitaka and Aki had been through failed marriages, and were single parents. 
Yoshitaka fell in love with Aki, and would return to her izakaya several times before finally asking her out. At that time, he was unaware of Aki’s actual age. 
Aki was afraid her real age would scare Yoshitaka away and she decided to tell him she was 15 years his senior. The truth was that she’s 25 years older. 
They dated for seven years, and not once in those seven years did Yoshitaka suspect something was off. It helped that Aki looked young for her age, and always had a cheerful disposition about her.
Speaking to Japanese media Bunshun online, Aki revealed that she often left hints around so Yoshitaka could find out about her real age.
“I left my passport and insurance card on the table, hoping he would notice,” she said. 
But each time, Yoshitaka would simply remind her to keep her documents safely. 
In 2020, during the pandemic, the couple decided to get married.
Aki realised she had to tell Yoshitaka her actual age so he would be able to accurately provide her details to doctors should the need arise.
She came clean the day before their wedding.
She was afraid he would be furious as she had kept him in the dark for so long. 
However, Yoshitaka couldn’t have been more chill. He simply told Aki he “didn’t mind her real age at all” and that “it didn’t matter”. 
“What matters is why you didn’t tell me earlier so you wouldn’t have to worry for so long,” he added. 
After tying the knot, the couple quit their jobs to embark on a journey across Japan. They have started a YouTube channel, where they document their daily lives and travels.
In her recent interview, Aki revealed she had initially kept her age a secret from Yoshitaka due to Japanese society’s prejudice against older women marrying younger men. 
“Older men can proudly show off how young and beautiful their wives are, but many women who are older than their husbands often hesitate to reveal their relationship to others,” she said. 
Netizens have been supportive of Yoshitaka and Aki’s story, with many agreeing that for this couple, love does transcend age difference.
They often share about their lives in their YouTube vids too
